Christmas is a time for cheer, laughter, family, and celebration. Is it your tradition to purchase your tree the weekend after Thanksgiving? Do you bring the family and search for the perfect tree, then spend hours decorating just right? It is all a part of the holiday fun. However, the letdown after the holidays can be a real thing. And then, after you have taken all the decorations off the tree and put them carefully away for the year, the tree stands alone and plain again. So how do you get rid of your Christmas tree?
There are many ways to get rid of your Christmas tree after the holidays are over. But those living in NYC have an even more significant challenge. As you know, there are many restrictions to junk disposal in New York and the surrounding areas. That is why Just Rubbish Removal has put together this guide for how to get rid of your Christmas tree when the season is over.
New York Christmas Tree Disposal
The Christmas tree collection period was from January 4th to January 15th. The Department of Sanitation says the following, “If you are throwing out a live or artificial tree 4 feet or smaller, you can put it curbside with your regular trash. If the tree is greater than 4 feet, you need a bulk pickup appointment. To schedule a bulk pickup appointment, visit the Bulk Item Disposal page.”
After January, large trees should be cut in half to be placed into a hauler. And in most pages, the trees are made into mulch with a chipper. That mulch is often given away as city or county mulch, free to the community through various avenues.
Now, one word of caution. Do not burn your tree in a fireplace because burning the tree contributes to creosote build-up and could even cause a fire.

Get Rid of Your Christmas Tree in Your City
There are a few requirements each city and company has in common for Christmas tree removal:
- Remove all decorations, tinsel, lights, etc.
- Never place your tree in a plastic bag.
- These companies agreeing to removal are expecting real trees.
If you are getting rid of a fake tree, you will need to specify that when you call for pick up.
Below are some of the major cities in the New York area and their pickup regulations. For more detailed information, go directly to your city’s website.
Albany, NY: Set the tree by the curb on yard waste collection day.
Buffalo, NY: Set the tree with garbage pickup in the first week of January.
Bronx, NY: Christmas trees are collected curbside for chipping and composting during the first two weeks of January.
Rochester, NY: Trees are recycled at several holiday tree drop-off zones around the city. They are then recycled as a part of the Materials Give Back Program.
Syracuse, NY: Trees can be picked up at the curbside with garbage collection or dropped off at the mulch pile on Midler Avenue or OCRRA’s Amboy and Jamesville Compost Sites.
Staten Island, NY: DSNY removes trees curbside in the first two weeks of the new year.
Alternatives to Get Rid of Your Christmas Tree
Did you know you can give your Christmas tree a life that extends beyond the holidays? For years, most people took their trees out to the curb. But that is not always possible. Not to mention, many people don’t want just to place it at the curb for many reasons. Finding a “green” alternative to simply tossing it out is an excellent idea.
Here are a few ideas you may want to consider getting rid of your Christmas tree.
Maybe Recycling is the Answer
Trees are biodegradable and can be recycled by turning them into mulch. There are recycling centers that will take your tree, and some will even pick it up. Check with your county to see what is offered there.
Burn the Tree
Do you have an outdoor firepit? Your Christmas tree is the perfect kindling for your family bonfire. Let that tree continue inspiring joy in your community by holding a tree burning party where it is safe.
Mulch it for Your Yard
DIY your own mulch for your yard by chipping your tree and mixing it into the current mulch in your yard. Each year, people add mulch to the beds in their landscaping. That takes a trip to the store, a truck, and money. But why not use what you have right there in your home.
Compost the Tree
Do you have a compost pile? Or does your community garden have a composting center? Christmas trees are an excellent base for composting. The branches break down and can be used to enrich the soil.
Decorate with the Trunk
Chop the tree into 2-inch sections and use it as decorative edging around flower beds. Or maybe you want to make the discs into next year’s ornaments. And bonus… and your yard will smell like Christmas!
Large Tree Farms May Take it Back
Sometimes the tree farm you get the tree from will take it back. If you ask when you purchase the tree, you will know your options.
Rent a Community Dumpster
When your community goes in together, they can rent a dumpster container and all throw away the trees in one fell swoop.

Dumpster Container Rental with Just Rubbish Removal
At Just Rubbish Junk Removal, we have Christmas tree removal all figured out for the people of NYC and the surrounding areas. Don’t let the junk clutter the details when you have a Christmas tree or a big project looming overhead.
Junk removal companies specialize in just that. Our trucks and dumpster containers are tough enough to overstuff, take jagged edges and rusty nails, and are large enough to haul walls, roofs, lumber, and more, including your tree, no matter how big it is.
Additionally, consumers should be aware of the safety precautions we have put in place for a safe delivery and pick up of our dumpster containers. Our drivers receive the proper training and observe the appropriate standards for health and safety.
You can be sure your New York project will be cleared of the rubbish when you contact Just Rubbish Junk Removal for a dumpster container. Please feel free to call our offices with any questions about your dumpster arrival.
How Does Curbside Pick Up Work?
By now, you may be interested in the Christmas tree Curbside Pick Up. The process is really quite simple. Here is how it all goes.
- Choose Just Rubbish Removal for your Curbside Pick Up in NYC and the surrounding service areas.
- Now, determine the items you no longer need and be ready for the day of pick up if you want to dispose of more than just your Christmas tree. If you are scheduling the junk removal when you will not be home, take it outside to the determined drop zone and leave it for our team.
- Then our driver will contact you for payment by phone. It is that easy!
- Click here for a FREE estimate and to get on the schedule for Curbside Pick Up.
Just Rubbish Removal for Christmas Tree Pick Up in NYC and the Surrounding Areas
After we leave your home or office, we focus on identifying your junk removal pick-up items to donate and recycle. Our goal is to keep as many things out of our landfills as possible. After dropping those items off at local charities and recycling centers, we head out to the local transfer station.
You can count on the service Just Rubbish Removal provides in Curbside Pick Up for New York and the surrounding area. We are the top junk removal company for a reason.
Contact us today to schedule your time for Curbside Pick Up!