Holiday planning and organizing can be so much fun, and it can be a bit out of control too. When you know you are having a gathering in your home, you want to be sure the house is ready, and there is room for everyone, including all the decorations and food you’ll no doubt need. That is why we suggest Pre-Holiday Cleanouts and a visit from Just Rubbish Removal or your local junk removal company. You will be thankful you did!
Pre-Holiday Cleanouts: Take Away the Old to Make Room For the New
Out with the old and in with the new is a great feeling. But often, we skip the “out with the old” part, and we just add and add until we are totally overwhelmed. Starting pre-holiday cleanouts before the holiday season is a practice we feel everyone should incorporate into their holiday routine.
If you are ready to tackle the clutter, move out the old, and create new memories this holiday, Congratulations. Starting is the biggest hurdle. Then once you get rolling with this handy guide, the process becomes less of a chore and more of a joy.
Your Guide to a Pre-Holiday Cleanouts
Listen, it is about what you can get done and not what needs to be done. Progress, not perfection, is the goal here. After all, you only have so much time you can take on your cleanout before the actual holiday prep must begin. Here is a simple guide to help get you started. Gain, you will be thankful in the end, we promise.
Begin with a Pre-Holiday Cleanout of Personal Items
We all have those areas where things tend to accumulate. No matter where that is, a good cleanout will free up your space for the holiday shopping, cooking, and memory-making to come. Here are some areas to check for clutter.
- The car inside and the trunk space. You will need that for shopping and grocery trips.
- Your purse, wallet, and briefcase. You know you will make an even bigger mess through the holidays, so why not start with a clean slate?
- The mud closet or front door drop zone. These are notorious spaces for junk accumulation. Get them to where you can find anything you need in a hurry.
- What about your makeup and grooming supplies? Try narrowing down what you really never use and only keeping what you really love.

Now Tackle Pre-Holiday Cleanouts for the Kitchen
Several areas need a good cleanout before the holidays begin. Whether your pantry will need to store oodles and oodles of baking supplies or the freezer will need to keep the turkey for a while, they need a good going through.
- In the Pantry- Check all boxes and cans for expiration dates and take inventory of what you can use up before the holidays. Then take a second inventory of what you can use for the holidays, indicating what you still need to purchase.
- The Fridge and Freezer- This is not a fun job, we know. But it will really help with the stress if it is all cleaned out and ready to receive. Go through the door and check all expiration dates. Rearrange the fridge and freezer to utilize all you can before the holidays, creating more room for holiday prep. And give the ice bin a good cleaning too. Fresh ice is always nice. Then make a list of all the things you will need to replace for the season.
- Countertops Need to Be Decluttered?- You know all those side dishes and desserts will need a place to sit on the counters. So, for now, consider putting a few of the less used small appliances away. Maybe the blender is most used in the summer, or perhaps the air fryer is only for the weekends. You get the drift.
Need a Pre-Holiday Cleanout of the Garage?
If you have an active family, you probably have a full garage. Did little Sally outgrow the rollerblades two years ago? Does the t-ball stand seem replaced by a set of golf clubs? Take those old sporting goods to charity or sell them at a place that resells sports equipment. Then be sure to clean up tool areas and lawn equipment too. Give the whole place a good sweep and wipe down, and you are ready to move on.
What About the Bedrooms and Bathrooms?
This step can take days on end, depending on how many people are in the home. Encourage children to help with their rooms and give them attainable goals and positive rewards for a job well done. Here are a few suggestions to tackle bedroom and bathroom clutter.
- Closet Floors- Can you see the floor? Start there, then move to the clothes for a quick cleanout.
- Kids Toys- In most homes, you could get rid of at least 5 toys without the kids even knowing you did so. Then encourage them to think of how many things they would like for Christmas and what they are most thankful for. That will help them get rid of stuff they no longer need or want. – This is a great time to teach kids about giving to others. Let them help you take them for donation and be proud of their accomplishment.
- Clear countertops and dressers of clutter.
- Go through drawers and decide what to keep and what can be donated.
- Guest Room Spruce Up- Make sure those guests will be comfy in your home. Make sure the linens are fresh and washed, and the room is inviting.
- In the Bathrooms- Like you did in the pantry, go through and ensure nothing is expired or empty. Clear out anything you no longer need or want and replace worn items like toothbrushes and old towels.

Finally, the Christmas and Holiday Décor Cleanout
You have two great chances to complete this project. When you bring it all out and when you put it all away. Only keep what you know you will use and go ahead and get rid of the rest. Then we suggest two seasonal stations be set up and stocked.
- A Command Center for the Holidays: Having a place to organize all your thoughts, menus, ideas, and receipts is a great idea. In fact, it will make the whole process much smoother if you know right where everything is and what has been done already. In this area, place a calendar, folder for receipts, lists and menus, and more.
- Christmas Wrapping Station: Oh yeah! This is a prized area for organization; whether you use a table, a counter, or an area of the floor… make your time there efficient. Have all supplies like scissors, tape, tags, and bows in one basket. Then you will be able to really knock out those holiday gifts on time.
Schedule Your Pre-Holiday Cleanouts with Junk Removal
The final step is to get on the schedule for the removal of all your cleanout. We have had clients schedule a pickup in advance to encourage themselves to complete a pre-holiday cleanout. It’s a rather genius idea if you think about it. The deadline gives you a goal to work toward with the holidays fast approaching. And when the New Year rolls around, you won’t have to figure out what to do with all the junk.
You see, the helpers at Just Rubbish are here to haul away all that you do not want anymore. We haul away the trash, clutter, junk, debris, and even furniture. You name it, and we’ll take it.
Our junk removal provides a fast way to deal with all you aren’t sure where to put. Our New York team knows just what to do with each piece you hand over. We will trash, recycle, and even donate just about anything from your office, home, estate, or yard. What’s more, we dispose of the items appropriately and responsibly.
Safe and Environmentally Conscientious Junk Removal
The team at Just Rubbish will be careful and courteous in your home and remove items with precision. So, if you need help removing junk, rubbish, trash, or donatable items, don’t get overwhelmed wondering where to put it all. We’ll take care of that for you.
Simply make your piles of donations, items to recycle, and bag that trash, and we will haul it all away for you.
Contact Just Rubbish for an estimate on your junk removal job today.
And believe us, you will be thankful you did all this work for your pre-holiday cleanouts.