Whether it’s your young adult returning to the college campus, or your little one’s first day of kindergarten, there’s so much to do when preparing for the upcoming academic year! It can quickly become overwhelming for both parents and students. Just Rubbish is here to make these crazy times more manageable. Continue reading to learn what needs to be done when getting ready for school to start.
Getting Ready for School- Young Student Tips
To give your little student the best chance at the school year ahead, it’s smart to commit to some critical reorganizing and decluttering. That way, they are a bit more motivated to keep organized and have plenty of time to dedicate to learning.
1 | Closet Cleanout
If you’re a parent, we don’t have to tell you- kids grow in the blink of an eye! A new school year often means an almost entirely new wardrobe. Before your kiddos receive their first-day syllabi and lengthy supply lists, don’t forget to clear the closets for fresh school outfits.
Not only are you clearing away old, dingy, and suddenly-to-small clothes, but you probably need to empty some old supplies from the previous year. Ideally, you may want this task to happen well before the start of the next session. However, with a busy summer of family vacations and exciting camps, it’s not uncommon for last year’s supplies to collect dust in your child’s bedroom closet.

2 | Reorganizing the Homework Area
Especially after the pandemic’s start, many young students have their own designated study space. You’ll want to ensure this area is set and ready for all the new content your child will learn. Encourage your kids to clean their own space or help you get everything organized. Having your children assist doesn’t only take some of the burden off you. But it also teaches them to value school, projects, and the piles of homework they’ll need to complete.
Plus, it will help your child focus. After all, it is said that a messy desk makes for a messy mind. Even better is establishing a cleaning schedule for the upcoming school year. Keep your child accountable for maintaining a tidy workspace by designating specific days of the month for cleaning time.
Below are more tips on how to prepare your child’s home study space:
- Get Rid of the Junk– Get rid of any unnecessary papers, markers, dried-out highlighters, and those tiny pencils that have been sharpened far too short.
- Replace Old Furniture– Replace their old and no-longer function desk with a new one if necessary. Get comfier seating, especially if your little student is completing the school year online.
- Store Things Properly– Whatever you do, try your best not to store away all school supplies in a “junk drawer” fashion.
- Build in Shelving and Storage– It seems the older your kids get, the more textbooks, papers, binders, and other essential supplies they are required to store at home. Make their life a little easier by creating a suitable place for everything to go.
Pro Tip: If you have multiple children, it may be wise to hold onto certain items like expensive calculators, protractors, and other specialized school supplies. Even if your child isn’t using them for their upcoming classes, your younger children will likely need them once they enter the same grade, even if it is years ahead. Store these items in a labeled box and place them on a shelf until they are needed once more.

3 | Consider the School-Prep Zones in Your Home
All too quickly, the entire house can become a mess from getting ready for school. While you may want to jump right in and tackle a whole-house cleanout. However, time may be limited, and you’ll need to prioritize certain areas, like:
- Lunch box prep area
- After-school sports equipment space
- The entryway or mudroom
- Breakfast table
For the kitchen and breakfast table, you’ll want to ensure everything is set for less hassle when getting ready for school. Clear the refrigerator and countertops for packing nutritious lunch boxes with ease. Additionally, you’re not alone if your breakfast table often takes the role of an added storage space. Ensure it is clear of clutter so morning meals and after-school snacks can be quick and enjoyable.
If your child is involved in after-school clubs or sports, you may want to find the perfect storage spot for sports equipment and club supplies.
Finally, check the entryway or mudroom. When these areas are organized, and the floors are not cluttered with piles of who-knows-what, getting out the door on those rushed mornings is significantly easier. Plus, no one wants to walk through the door and trip on a pair of shoes after having the occasional rough school day.
Getting Ready for School- College Student Tips
The end of summer is just as chaotic for college students as it is for young children and parents. Get ready for the courses ahead by following the tips in the sections below.
1 | Declutter from Last Semester’s Courses
Many assignments and projects are online nowadays. However, your backpack and binders are probably scattered with all kinds of leftover junk from the last semester or two. Do yourself a favor and clear all the old supplies to make room for the new.
Below are some tips to get you started:
- Clear your school bag.
- Remember to keep the notes from classes that will help with future courses.
- Toss out old pencils, highlighters, and pens out of ink. There’s almost nothing more frustrating than reaching for a pen as the professor begins the lecture and discovering it doesn’t work anymore.
2 | Treat Yourself to Some Fresh School Supplies
For those heading off to complete another semester of college, it may be wise to boost your morale by purchasing some new supplies for class. For many college students, replacing the old with the new is an excellent way to get excited for the often exhausting course load ahead.
If you’re living on a strict college-student budget, don’t automatically count yourself out on being able to grab some extra school goodies. There are so many ways to get cheaper gear for the semester. For example, visit your local dollar store. If you haven’t school-shopped here before, you’ll be shocked by all the dollar-priced supplies you can load up in your basket.

3 | Preparing for College Move-in Day
If you spend every semester in a college dorm, getting ready for school doesn’t only include reorganizing and decluttering. You have to ensure you are well prepared for college move-in day. It’s a busy day that may be equally stressful and exciting.
Here are some tips to make the day run as smoothly as possible:
- Do everything you can to prepare ahead of time. Have all your laundry washed and ready to go. Pack your clothes and personal items neatly, so unpacking is less hassle. Assemble any broken-down furniture and organizers. Of course, consider what will be able to fit in your car or truck once put together. You wouldn’t want to build a bunch of furniture only to make more work for yourself by needing to break it back down when you discover there’s no space in the vehicle.
- Be ready for a little mess. Remember to bring cleaning supplies to clear the dust and other moving debris from your dorm once your move-in is complete.
- Don’t skip out on a well-balanced breakfast. On the morning of your move, eating a nutritious meal will set the day off right. No one likes a “hangry” mover.
- Ask for help from neighbors, friends, and family. Moving into the dorm on your own can be exhausting. Soon after you settle in, you’ll dive into getting ready for school, and you want to leave plenty of energy for the semester ahead.
- Make it fun! You will cherish these times for the rest of your life, so remember to keep them exciting and enjoyable.
Just Rubbish is Here to Make these Crazy Times a Little Easier!
After all the reorganizing and decluttering for the new school year, you may have a daunting and massive pile of junk you need to eliminate. Call on Just Rubbish Removal to dispose of your trash and unwanted items as quickly and easily as possible!
If you have hardly used supplies, like backpacks, old organizers, and more, we will donate them for you. Or, if you’re looking to recycle stacks of papers and other school junk, we will transport them to the local recycling plants.
Whatever your needs are, know we have your back at Just Rubbish Removal.